The Committee
As the Clarkston Snowsports President and Committee Chairperson, Fergus is the only committee member to get his picture on the website (!).
Fergus has been brought up by his parents (both long-term members, and part of the club trustees) as an extremely competent skier.
He also mans the club hotline for when we're running a snow bus, so he's always heavily involved in club operations.
Fergus Crawford
Colin Beattie
Partner Secretary: Colin manages our relationships with the various snow resorts to make sure we're getting the best deals. He also makes sure everyone is kept up-to-date with the club via Facebook.
Richard Gillis
Membership Secretary: A converted skiier, Rich manages our membership process (and our website!). He collates the membership forms, and makes sure everyone gets their new cards and stickers each year.
Gavin Lyon
Treasurer: "Guy" holds our money and speaks to the bank. He controls payment for all our bus rentals and makes sure members are paying their subscriptions.
Shirley Henderson
Rick Henderson
Shirley, our official Secretary, and Rick are life-long members of the club, and dedicate their time to the committee.
Gavin Lemon
Gavin is our lead-snowboarding representative on our mainly-skiing committee. He makes sure we don't forget that this new-fangled 'boarding is also important.
Jim Creelman
The newest member of our Committee - responsible for adding a new perspective to the club and identifying any social activities which may be of interest to members.